Dec 19, 2022
The 30-Day Metabolism Makeover Course- if you are ready to reset your hormones, reduce inflammation, rebalance your mood and get yourself into the best shape of your life. If so, let’s get your body into weight loss mode by clicking on the link below:
Now enjoy today's show!
Today, on Reset Renew Revive, we spoke with the father of functional medicine himself, Jeffrey Bland. He is challenging the standard of medical care with his Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute, an organization devoted to finding unique treatments for patients based upon their specific biological needs. Conventional medicine is failing the individual, because it only treats the patient’s disease without ever investigating the deeper imbalances causing it. Current standards of diagnosis fragments the body instead of considering it as an integrative system. Since this approach is based upon an obsolete understanding of the human body it can never fully eradicate symptoms in a patient because it only ever addresses one problem at a time.
Jeffrey believes that diagnosing a disease is not just the easiest part but is only the first step in treating a patient. Functional practitioners embark on a deep investigation into each patient's history, microbiome, blood work, diet, exercise, environment and so much more in order to understand the full scope of the systemic issues, instead of focusing on the subsequent symptoms.
Considering the body as an integrative system is why functional medicine is equally concerned with disease prevention. Nutrition, lifestyle and dietary supplements are so important to improving longevity in your immune system. Current medical data is based upon studies that, like conventional doctors, neglect the individual circumstances of each person involved in the study leading many doctors to mitigate the importance of proper nutrition. We are fighting to educate and improve our understanding of the body, medical data and how we treat disease. In this episode, we hope to give you hope and enlighten you on why we need this revival in medicine.
[1:55] Jeff’s path to functional medicine
[7:48] Shifting from disease diagnosis to understanding functional assessment
[11:00] The need for personalization in medical care
[13:30] How population based studies undermine the value of nutritional supplements
[18:20] Using nutritional supplements as affordable life insurance
[21:20] The immune system assesses the outside world and tells the body what to prepare for
[22:45] Zombie cells can speed up the aging of your immune system
[23:45] Amino rejuvenation only works when it can outnumber and offset the damaged cells
[28:00] Diagnosis of a disease is not complicated and negates the personalized needs
[30:00] Immune active polyphenols and flavonoids in Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat
[35:10] Force yourself to have an open mind and always challenge your own ideas
Jeffrey Bland:
Institute of Functional Medecine:
Big Bold Health:
Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute:
Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat:
Visit our store below:
These packets are designed to assist the body in using fat for fuel and to help support healthy insulin, cortisol, and energy metabolism. They provide great support for any weight loss program. This Bundle is great for everyone who needs to jump-start their metabolism, reset their gut microbiome as well as curb sugar, carb craving to start seeing the results you want on the scale!