Dec 12, 2022
The 30-Day Metabolism Makeover Course- if you are ready to reset your hormones, reduce inflammation, rebalance your mood and get yourself into the best shape of your life. If so, let’s get your body into weight loss mode by clicking on the link below:
Now enjoy today's show!
On this week’s episode of Reset, Renew, Revive, we learn about the power of manifestation with Rae Irelan. She is an acclaimed musician, singer and producer turned best selling author and life coach. After hitting rock bottom, she realized that she had created a life that did not align with her soul’s agenda, which left her feeling depressed, hopeless and suicidal. The powerful lesson was that it was her that created that situation, so she also had the power to create a new reality as well! Now, she teaches you how to tap into your creative energy so you don’t have to go to the darkest depths of suffering to manifest the life of your dreams! Using her structured step by step process, she teaches you how to find what you love again and tap into your inner child and renew your outlook on life.
[3:30] Rae’s journey from artist to life coach
[7:10] Surrendering and admitting when you need help
[8:50] You don’t have to reach rock bottom to turn your life around
[12:00] Why it is important to surround yourself with positive mentors
[13:40] Turning your vision of your future into a reality
[14:40] Utilizing masculine structure to activate your inner dreamer
[17:00] What you consume audibly, visually and mentally become your reality
[19:00] Bring in your inner child so you can turn work into play
[20:30] Your soul has its own agenda
[23:00] Checking in and connecting with your future self
[26:10] Keeping your morning routine fluid
[27:20] Stepping into an internal space of prayer and gratitude
[28:10] Have fun and know that everything is going to be fine!
Free Future Self Visualization: :
“I worked every single day on myself, who I was and through that experience I changed, I shifted and people started coming to me, asking me; what are you doing?! You are a totally different person. So it was a very natural evolution into the coaching space.” [7:35]
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These packets are designed to assist the body in using fat for fuel and to help support healthy insulin, cortisol, and energy metabolism. They provide great support for any weight loss program. This Bundle is great for everyone who needs to jump-start their metabolism, reset their gut microbiome as well as curb sugar, carb craving to start seeing the results you want on the scale!